Age Spot

What is Age Spot?

Age spots, sometimes called liver spots, are flat brown, gray, or black spots that appear on the face, hands, shoulders and arms, as one ages. They are commonly found on older people and are areas where the melanin clumps in a higher concentration.

Treatments of Age Spot

Glycolic Acid

Glycolic acid is used in the treatment of age spots. Glycolic acid is one of the alpha-hydroxy-acids. It is derived from sugar cane. It penetrates the skin and exfoliates, reducing wrinkles and pigmentation. Corium 21 aloe healing cream contains glycolic acid. Some customers have reported some fading of age spots with consistent use of Corium 21.

Laser Therapy

Laser is an acronym for Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation. It is a high concentration of light that is capable of penetrating cells. It is used in treatment of age spots.

Bleaching Creams

Bleaching creams are often used in treatment of age spots. Bleaching creams lighten the pigment of skin.

Liquid Nitrogen

Liquid nitrogen is an atmospheric gas in liquid form. It causes freezing on contact with skin cells. It is used in treatment of age spots.


Dermabrasion is the removal of the top layer of the epidermis through abrasion or sanding. It is used by dermatologists in the treatment of age spots.

Chemical Peel

A chemical peel is a procedure performed by a dermatologist whereby a chemical or chemicals are applied to the skin, causing it to blister and peel off. It is used in the treatment of age spots.

Side Effects of Treatments 

Many of the treatments for age spots have side effects and can leave the skin raw and sore. Corium 21 aloe healing cream contains antiseptic agents, analgesics, and anti-inflammatory agents, all of which will aid in the discomfort and in the healing process of these treatments. Try Corium 21 for treatment of age spots. If you feel you need a more intense treatment and choose other options, then use Corium 21 to aid in the discomfort and healing process of the other elected treatments.